My love for adventure and discovery started when I was a kid. I seriously wanted to be Indiana Jones when I grew up (hat and all). Once I realized my dream of becoming the next Indiana Jones required a ridiculous amount of college education and money to pay for said ridiculous amount of education, my wild child side joined the United States Air Force instead.

This is where I learned the true value of service; service to self, my country and community. It was during my enlistment that I conducted my first physical training session as a physical training leader. This is how I became hooked on instructing. It led me to pursue a BS in Exercise Science and become a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS).

After I had my son Wyatt, my sense of service become solely focused on family. I had forgotten all about service to myself until yoga came into my life. It was the time I spent on my mat that allowed me to reconnect to my true inner light, that wild Indiana Jones loving adventurer. It is through this new found joy that I was able to honestly communicate to myself and others.

I sought my yoga teacher training through the Hawaii Yoga Institute and whether it is ten minutes of meditation or an hour of movement, my goal is to give back to my community. I love to create a safe environment for my students of ALL LEVELS to open their hearts to the idea that self care is NOT selfish.